Monday, April 18, 2016


Life Changes constantly around us well, Me. In time we learn. I now know that I am a late bloomer,
a lazy natural,and many other things. That was learnt in time. Yet there are many more lessons to be learned. I look to the outer for some kind of relief. To the  Political atmosphere or motivational speakers hoping to find something. Even now I am uncertain to what it is that I want.  With all this stuff I thought i knew now lays in waste. So I sit here wasting away conserving what little i have thanking my parents for their support (aka a home). I used to blame the world for the problems I was inherited. Loans,Economy,Health,Education,etc. Sometimes I still like to. Its been a couple years since college finished and I have nothing to show for it. Everything became too hard and too time consuming for me to have any interest. I been really big into the psychology. Trying to understand what caused this?why?and How to get out of it. In a interview with Frank kern and John Reese, Tony Robbins mentions something really interesting about P.A.R.B.( Potential >action>result>belief ) which is looped. Reflecting on my life currently, I am in limbo. Or I feel like I am. I have potential but take no action in which i see no results that leads into a depressive and/or mundane state. In turn, that loops back into no action and so on. Well enough rambling for today. Hopefully i can keep writing (I HATE writing.)

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